
We actively seek and welcome collaboration and co-operation in our activities in education and training, such as partnering with the consortium. Current members include universities (full members) and affiliated organisations such as AstraZeneca and Swedish high schools with vocational programs in laboratory animal science.

The course modules have been designed to separate general biological content from any specific national legislation, so that the course modules can be utilized in different countries with ease.

Organisations can join the consortium as full members, meaning that they also gain the right to use the course modules for organizing fee-based external education and training. Full members pay an annual membership fee, equal for all full members.

Affiliated members can use the course modules for their internal education and training but may not organize external training och education utilizing the course modules. The membership fees are decided individually for affiliated members.

A trial membership form has been established, enabling organisations to use the course modules on a limited basis during one year, without making a full membership commitment.

For more information such as the cost of participation in the co-operative, see contact information under “Contact”.